May revenues on target; Underspending exceeds FY24 shortfall

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Tax revenues were back on target in May after a slide over the past several months that turned a $200 million-plus overage into a $400 million-plus shortfall in collections, according to preliminary figures from the Office of Budget and Management (OBM). Year-to-date underspending, however, far exceeds any revenue shortfalls.


Mandatory overtime pay rule is slated to take effect July 1; OSCPA working to delay implementation

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As previously reported by OSCPA, The Wage and House Division of the U.S. Department of Labor has adopted a rule that will increase the level of income below which employers must pay overtime.


ODT to hold CAUV public hearing virtually on July 12

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The Ohio Department of Taxation is holding a public hearing to present and hear comments on the proposed current agricultural use values (CAUV) for tax year 2024 on July 12 at 10:30 a.m.


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格雷戈里·索尔先生., CAE
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